How to remove detected spyware entries?

After scanning is done, Spyware Detector will prompt a message window to ask you if you want to clean the detected spyware or not. If you click on Clean button, it will clean the scanned spyware. (If Spyware Detector is not registered or Subscription period is expired, it will not let you clean the scanned items.)

Cleaning the spyware entries means that we are deactivating the spyware itself and it will not be able to infect the machine or do any activity harmful to computer. If you don't want to clean any spyware entry, click on Cancel button.

If you want to Completely Delete the Spyware found on your PC then after cleaning it click on the Recover button present on the Main Interface of the Spyware Detector.

As soon as you click on the Recover the window will open up which will show the entries that are cleaned. Check the select all check box present and click on the Delete button present this will delete all the entries cleaned.

Also the same window has the option to Recover the entries wherein if you select the entries and click on the Recover button then all the entries that are being cleaned earlier will get recovered.

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